Gangnam B-Side (2024)
Gangnam B-Side is a upcoming crime drama K-DRAMA written and directed by Park Noo-ri with Joo Won-gyu, and starring Jo Woo-jin, Ji Chang-wook, Ha Yoon-kyung, and Kim Hyeong-seo. Set in Gangnam at night, a detective, a broker, and a prosecutor team up to chase after a black connection. It is scheduled to premiere on Disney+ on November 6, 2024.
Details :
A city where days bustling with people and nights staggering under the twinkling lights coexist. A series of disappearances occur in the middle of Gangnam. Jae Hui, an employee at an entertainment establishment who holds crucial evidence, suddenly disappears, and Yun Gil Ho, a problem solver in the entertainment district, begins to search for her. Gil Ho is not the only one looking for Jae Hui.
Detective Kang Dong U, who was demoted after exposing his colleagues' wrongdoings, is assigned to the investigation at the chief's request, and prosecutor Min Seo Jin, who is favored by the chief prosecutor, is also following the case. As club officials use every means necessary to track down Jae Hui, a series of disappearances intertwined with various desires expose the dark face of Gangnam.
(Source: Korean = Naver || Translation = MyDramaList)